This was an older hotel but with beautiful amenities in the immediate vicinity. The garden across the street and Coconut Island are absolutely gorgeous places to walk around and enjoy nature in. The ocean view is outstanding and it is right on the water. The banyan trees all around are delightful, but I wouldn’t recommend walking around at night, some sketchy folks patrol the streets at night.
The hotel is a mile and a half from the airport, about an hour walk if one is so inclined. I came to spend my birthday with my Ohana, and meet many of them for the first time in person. It was an amazing trip and this hotel was overall pretty great. The WSW Restaurant downstairs is excellent and the hotel services are friendly and expedient. The views of the local area are a great enjoyable getaway in it of itself.

Thank God for this blessed land, blessed Ohana, and everything in between. Amen.