The Age of Aquarius:
The Day of the Lord
There is no doubt that a new age is upon us. The birthing pains (Matt 24:6-8) are seen across the globe, whether deliberate or otherwise, as the days of Noah have returned or are returning (Matt 24:37-39). Historically, humanity has repeated its mistakes and seems destined to continue to do so (Ecclesiastes 1:9), until the return of the Son of Man in the Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3). While astrologers, new age and new thought practitioners, gnostics and other beliefs may not believe in a Judgment Day, verily I tell you not only is it coming, but it is very much necessary! Independent hermeneutics, exegesis and eisegesis interpretations are always applied to scripture; individual analysis must be scrutinized when trying to understand the author’s intent. Attempting to steer clear of becoming the accuser, I must apply the principles I preach as effectively as possible. With that being said, let’s look at this new age upon us, the Age of Aquarius, and/or the Day of the Lord.
Many refer to this new age as a collective movement of faith and beliefs or a merging of beliefs, out with the old and in with the new type of mentality. This is deceptively alluring to those who have not thoroughly researched these beliefs and past doctrines aligned with them, such as Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey’s theosophical society philosophies, as well as the Great White Brotherhood. Theosophy has endangered our society before, globally and collectively, such as Adolf Hitler and his merging of dualistic and monotheistic spiritual paths. I don’t think I have to point out how disastrously that manifested itself, objectively speaking of course.
Multiple secret society doctrines have followed this path previously and contemporarily. Many researchers and theologians speak about their surface level research into such matters, but I speak from in depth research and behind enemy lines, sort of speak. My personal experience is soft initiation into the Ancient Mystic Order of Rosicrucians (AMORC), Traditional Martinist Order (TMO) and Transcendental Meditation (TM). I have also independently researched other orders, belief systems or organizations, such as masonic belief systems (Scottish and York Rite), many gnostic beliefs (i.e Nag Hammadi Codices, Books of Jeu, etc.) and Luciferian doctrine – broadly speaking. With that brief overview, I would like to continue to explain some beliefs that I have been digesting recently, since my born again experience into the Christian faith in 2020 (ref my previous works for in depth testimony:
The signs of the times are not only biblical, but historical and spiritual. Many of these occult beliefs have many truths in them, which is how the most deceptive lies are often orchestrated. Many who have been labeled as conspiracy theorists make a point to expose the darkness and call out the powers that be as being guilty of manipulating global matters and implementing their own agendas to take advantage of those perceived as inferior, ignorant or weak. While a global satanic agenda is not only possible but quite likely, we should not focus on the negative so much as the positive. The lies must be exposed and the truth will always come to light, as it is written; but things must also get worse before they get better as well, as it is written. If you are not on the right side of things then you will be left behind, and the antichrist spirit has always been among us, even before the days Jesus Christ walked this earth. What many refer to as the “hippie Jesus”doctrine, that God is love and we must love one another without obedience or choosing any side, is fundamentally, logically, spiritually and reasonably flawed at its core. We are not called to love evil but rebuke evil, pride and arrogance, and fear the lord, which is reverence to the Almighty (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Most religions are also falsely preaching false doctrine, such as prosperity gospel charismatics, but that’s a topic for another day. Personally, existence of organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) are a great reminder of how the god of this world, lowercase “g” emphasized, has deceived the majority (2 Corinthians 4:4) and why we, collectively, need a Day of Judgment! In my humble opinion, the divine feminine is not exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary/Queen of Heaven following, but by the Body of Christ preparing as the bridegroom returns (Revelation 18:23). From the Old Testament (Psalms 19:5; Isaiah 61:10 and 62:5; Jeremiah 7:34, 16:9, 25:10 and 33:11; Joel 2:16) to the New Testament (Matt 9:15 and 25:1-10; Mark 2:20; Luke 5:34-35; John 3:29; and Revelation 18:23), we are called to be ready as a bride when the return of the Son of God comes upon us, as the Bridegroom, Judge and Redeemer of our Faith and the world as a whole. The Age of Aquarius runs parallel to the Day of the Lord, aka Judgment Day. Perhaps this divine feminie reincarnation is not referring to the collective age of denying the past, but the Body of Christ preparing for His return on the third day after the crucifixion, being that a day to the Lord is one thousand years to us (2 Peter 3:8). Those choosing self worship, goddess worship or no side at all might be left as the brides of the antichrist, reincarnating until this earth is physically consumed by the sun. Choose wisely, for it is your God given right.
The new age is the return of the same old false doctrines, the same belief(s) that we could be as gods (Genesis 3:5). I have not only entertained such doctrines, but I too was deceived and beguiled by the serpent and followed such manifestation beliefs; just do you, whatever makes you happy, you could manifest your reality, you are what you think, just love like Jesus and don’t judge, etc. Once again, not to be over-judgemental or anything, I could only speak of what works for me and what has failed me. If it is too easy, question it; if it is hated by most around you, look into it. The wide and broad road is followed by most people of this world, right into the gate of destruction (Matt 7:13); how sure are you that you are on the straight and narrow?
I leave you with these last thoughts. Whatever higher power, if any, you serve, what does this “god” think of or do about pedophiles? If god is love, and you are called to love all, do you love pedophiles? Do you love yourself more than anyone or anything else? Could you honestly answer these questions without a doubt in your mind, heart, body and soul? If these questions are bothersome and uncomfortable, that could be a good thing. I know what I know, I know what I don’t know, but I don’t know how much I don’t know. I do know one thing though, that the God I know and serve is the God that will judge wickedness at its core! However that judgment is manifested, well, that’s in God’s hands. If you want to think about the collective, then think about all of those children being victimized as your children. Everyone should wake up and treat everyone as their own family, for this world has fallen and so have we, but we have a chance to do something about it. Today is the day to question what you know to be true for tomorrow is not guaranteed. Don’t wait until it’s you or your child, edify yourself now to these nefarious worldly matters. May God bless you and help us all. In the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Father. Amen and Amen.
By Dr. Anthony J. Toledo
Quantum Minister
Spiritual Alchemy Foundation of Enlightenment Inc.
Quantum Trinity Ministry
Some astrologers views, referenced from article link below:
Reference My YouTube playlists for further in depth coverage: