..Most people don’t believe in magic. Well, most people don’t believe in what they think is considered “magic.” But what if the masses, the majority of the world, have all been subjected to a collective spell of sorts, or an assortment of spells? Would they know they were under a spell? Would we know? What if we, the minority, are under the spell, and the majority are the awakened ones? This is an interesting thought experiment, or are we the thought experiment? 🤔
Symbolism is the language of the initiated. You could study it as a novice or go as far down the rabbit hole as possible, crawling your way out while wearing a shinny tin foil hat. However far you decide to go, I urge you to do your research, to one degree or another. Making yourself a hard target for propaganda manipulation and programming is a noble and just cause. New tactics, techniques, and procedures are being implemented every day, and we must stay ahead of the curve before we end up gaslighting ourselves into oblivion.

..I grew up reading comic books (graphic novels) and those stories are not simple child’s tales. Nothing new under the sun, for the same stories from times of old, men of old and renowned, these same myths have persevered through the ages. Lesser magic has manifested itself from the pages of those comics onto the big screen and mass initiations and indoctrination rituals are rapidly expanding; burying their seeds deep into the collective unconscious (as CG Jung writes about). Perhaps, from that collective unconscious is where the creators and writers find their inspiration, their muse, their purpose, and their creativity. If you go into theological and religious comparative studies, you could see where so many of those concepts are being echoed in contemporary graphic novels, on pages and on screen. Be weary of what you allow your children to consume. If you don’t teach them about the spiritual realm other people, and perhaps other forces, will.

“Prosopometamorphopsia (“prosopo-” meaning face) is a specific type of visual distortion where the patient will only perceive distortions when viewing the faces of others. This type of distortion is a separate condition from prosopagnosia (the inability to recognize faces), and in most cases (though not all [2]), a patient suffering from prosopometamorphopsia will still be able to recognize faces despite their apparent distortions [19].
Patients with prosopometamorphopsia have reported distortions of the entire face [11] or just some portions of the face [4], [16], [18], [25]. For most patients, the distortions will recede after several hours to several weeks following the infarct.”
(Ref: National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information)
..This is speculative, but worth consideration. What if this new disorder is something more, something spiritual, something revelatory? Imagine if demons are manifesting at a rapid rate, so much so that healthcare and government agencies, and their constituents, have to conjure up a diagnosis that umbrellas spiritual anomalies with mental illness. If such a phenomenon were attributed to a mass revelation of unknown origin, suffice it to say, such a cover-up and quick action would take place, such as coming up with a label that disqualifies the possibility of these anomalous events being something in the realm of the unexplained. However, this could also be exactly what “they” say it is, and people out there are having some serious mental disturbances and nothing more. As the pendulum of time swings perceivably forward, we shall see if prosopometamorphopsia is one or the other or any combination of the aforementioned, or something else. Time will tell, as they say, and God only knows how long that will take.

..The Royal Society was founded in 1660 and is the oldest continuously existing academy. The Society is a fellowship of many of the world’s most eminent scientists. There is a great deal of speculation about their activities in the circle of conspiracy theorists. Any society of what might qualify as “elitists” will always have its mysteries, secrets, and scandals. England does have an interesting history of Celtic, Druidic, Saxons, and many other tribes. There is no doubt that there is a long and continuing history of magic among the residents of that region of the world. The real question is, how many of them are pederasts!?!
“The Royal Society originated on November 28, 1660, when 12 men met after a lecture at Gresham College, London, by Christopher Wren (then professor of astronomy at the college) and resolved to set up “a Colledge for the promoting of Physico-Mathematicall Experimentall Learning.” Those present included the scientists Robert Boyle and Bishop John Wilkins and the courtiers Sir Robert Moray and William, 2nd Viscount Brouncker. (Brouncker was to become the Royal Society’s first president.) The initiative had various more or less close precursors, including a group that met in London in 1645, the Oxford “Experimental Philosophy Club” in the 1650s, and correspondence networks such as that of the reformer and philanthropist Samuel Hartlib; but the body set up in 1660 was consciously new, with ambitions to become a truly national society devoted to the promotion of science. These ambitions were put into effect over the next few years, particularly through a charter of incorporation granted by Charles II in 1662 and revised in 1663. The royal charter provided an institutional structure for the society, with president, treasurer, secretaries, and council. Though it had royal patronage almost from the start, the society has always remained a voluntary organization, independent of the British state.”
(Ref: Britannica.com)
..Whether or not you believe in magic is irrelevant. Different words could be used to describe similar practices, such as mesmerism = indoctrination, spells=propaganda, predicting=prophesying, and controlling=programming. If one is a bit more liberal in applying literal interpretation or definitions of certain practices, then magic will always exist in one form or another.
Greater Magic could be viewed as the programming conducted through music and musicians, unbeknownst or otherwise. The Beatles’ self-titled album, referred to colloquially as “The White Album” (1968), was their ninth album. If anybody listens to the song “Revolution 9” and doesn’t find it to be dark and disturbing, then I have nothing for you. The Beatles’ link to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and John Lennon’s blatant loyalty to an atheististic belief system are suspicious, to say the least. I do believe George Harrison went a separate spiritual path after the band’s break up, with apparent transformative events having taken place thereafter. It’s possible that all of the Beatles only had noble and best intentions in their actions, but it is also possible that they opened doors to a dark energy they could not recognize or control. Quite often, people conjure up things they don’t understand and try to guard themselves from so-called “supernatural phenomenon.” Those people are those most often used as puppets of ancient spirits who enjoy nothing but feeding on humanity’s suffering.
The Fascinating History of the Magic Word Abracadabra
..We are the walking dead. The more we close our minds to the possibilities of things we cannot understand, the more we choose to walk in darkness and ignorance. There are far more things we do not know than things we do know. The more we learn and know, the more inquisitive we become, and the less we know. Knowing the unknown is trusting the process and humbling thyself before the pillars of grandeur. However, do not stop seeking, knocking, and asking (Matt. 7:7).
..Manly Palmer Hall (18 Mar 1901 to 29 August 1990) was a 33rd degree Freemason, Philosopher, Author, and Occultist. Some of his notable works are “The Secret Teaching of All Ages”,” “The Lost Keys of Freemasonry,” “The Initiates of the Flame, and.”The Secret Destiny of America.” The Theosophical Research Society was founded by Hall in 1934 in Los Angeles. In one of his works (I don’t recall which one exactly, I was listening to one of his lectures or audio books), Hall refers to Lucifer as the lightbearer and true savior of the Holy Bible. His universal spiritual approach has been deeply embedded into New Age philosophy. Many people who claim to believe in something use the same language theosophists use to describe their own beliefs, which all stem from Luciferian doctrine like Hall.
Manly P. HALL: “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. All true Masons know that they only are heathen who, having great ideals, do not live up to them. They know that all religions are but one story told in divers ways for peoples whose ideals differ but whose great purpose is in harmony with Masonic ideals. North, east, south and west stretch the diversities of human thought, and while the ideals of man apparently differ, when all is said and the crystallization of form with its false concepts is swept away, one basic truth remains: all existing things are Temple Builders, laboring for a single end. No true Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of all broadness. There is no place for little minds in a great work.” -Manly P. HALL

“The Great White Brotherhood, is a belief systems akin to Theosophy and New Age, are said to be perfected beings of great power who spread spiritual teachings through selected humans.[1] The members of the Brotherhood may be known as the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, the Ascended Masters, the Church Invisible, or simply as the Hierarchy. [1] The first person to talk about them in the West was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Theosophy), after she and other people claimed to have received messages from them. These included Helena Roerich, Alice A. Bailey, Guy Ballard, Geraldine Innocente (The Bridge to Freedom), Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Bob Sanders, and Benjamin Creme.[1]”
(Ref: WikiPedia)
..While Wikipedia is not a very reliable source, it is sufficient for this simple information. Mesmerism is a real practice that has had some scientific data reflecting its influence and results. Materialists will have issues believing any of this, and they are usually the first category of people who fall victim to such practices. Propaganda and systematic brainwashing techniques are easily applied to those who lack any spiritual belief. Many of the intellectual powers that be (politicians, wealthy idols, even church leaders) are practitioners who serve this Ascended Masters doctrine, and some of them see everyone else as lesser creations.
Although many of these mystics might have benevolent intentions, in all circles there are those who have nefarious intentions. The so-called spirits they are channeling, those are the roots of evil, the fallen spirits of the Sons of God (http://Genesis6conspiracy.com-Gary Wayne covers this extremely well in his book).
The Great White Brotherhood: Lecture

..Anybody paying the slightest bit of attention could tell that something is going on, as in there is a global change that is palpable to those more sensitive to energies. Without getting too “woo-woo” or supernatural, this intuition is even acknowledged and promoted to be a feeling to follow in law enforcement training. This is something I could testify too personally because I was a Federal Law Enforcement Officer/Agent for three different agencies for the U.S. Government (LinkedIn Account). Following this intuitive awakening, this is the time to open your eyes. The pendulum cannot work if your eyes are closed, but to be closed they need to be opened. Spiritual eyes are what will give you the sight to see, and the ears to hear are those of the Spirit.
The majority of people I have interacted with are an echo chamber of beliefs that they are ignorant of, but rather traditions they were born into. My dad was an example of this, telling me over and over again when I seeked for guidance on life choices, “Do as Thou Wilt.” If you don’t know what this means, this is a direct reference to Aleister Crowley’s “Book of the Law.” Crowley was a world-renowned Satanists, occultist and casted a heavy influence on many rock and roll bands, an influence that still exists today in contemporary artists’ culture.

The Ninth Gate (1999) was directed by Roman Polanski (bona-fide pederast who drugged a young teenager and fled from the U.S. before trial). The Nine Gates are also referred to in the Upanishads, “He resides in the city with the nine gates, which is the body.” (Shvetashvatara Upanishad). Researching the ancient Vedas and Upanishads, and the Dhammapadas, the Holy Bible, Nag Hammadi Codices, the Book of Enoch, and The Dead Sea Scrolls; you could see how various denominations of spiritual beliefs could derive from these sources, or build upon one another, or the sources of the material might have been tapping into the collective subconscious and receiving synchronized intelligence. Perhaps it’s any combination of the aforementioned, whether it be all or some.
The Ninth Gate is a blatant Luciferian film promoting Lucifer as the enlightened one and receiving Gnosis as the highest form of apotheosis. This is where Gnostic views and Luciferian doctrine align hand in hand, which beckons the question of just how much Gnostic views are simply Luciferian, if not all of it. The most subtle beast in the garden was the serpent (Gen. 3:1-6). This movie presents itself as a good source of research to peek behind the veil of the adversaries’ beliefs.


..An excellent source of historical information about secret societies is wondrium. Richard B. Spence is an excellent instructor and provides a top-tier course!:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Real History of Secret Societies
..How much of lesser and greater magic are used for political ideology? How much of an effect do such practices have on the collective over time? The Gospels of The Holy Bible state Jesus Christ said Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words would not pass away (Matt.24:35). At a minimum, this statement exemplifies that He knew about the immense power of words, and so much more really. Unfortunately, on this earth and in our current state, this also proves to be true for those who have spoken or written words that can, and have, inspired large scale suffering, over generations and generations.
Dr. Jordan Peterson’s critique of the Communist Manifesto

#QuantumMinister #DivinityDoctor #QM000 #iAMToledo #IAMYOU #IAMaWitness #AscensionTime #VoyagerTree #Traveler #Messenger #TitanDefender #GuardianOFtheGarden
Dr. Anthony J. TOLEDO
Doctor of Divinity
Spiritual Alchemy Foundation of Enlightenment Inc.

..A Testament of Faith…