Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy (Movie Trailer)
Order of the Dragonfly is a story about a group of war veterans and law enforcement officers who discover a nefarious and wicked empire’s plot to enslave humanity. In a reality and time, not too different from our own, a secret society has infiltrated all levels of government and political systems. Utilizing various control measures, science and propaganda, the future of the children of this world is looking dark. The opposing group of justice and war veterans are chosen to receive the Book of Light, where they will be empowered to free as many victims as possible and deliver righteous judgement on the decaying evil spreading over society. In the end, the light shall overcome the darkness.
Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy
..In a different place and time, in a reality not too different from our
own, the rulers of the world have tightened their grip on their nefarious
agenda. While the majority of the flock, like sheep being led to
slaughter, go along with what they are told to do, there are always those
who stand against the tyrannical influence of the unrighteous powers
that be. In a dystopian world unfolding before their very own eyes,
those who oppose are eliminated and the remnants will do everything
needed to succeed. A select group of trained government operatives
will use their knowledge, skills, and ability to start a movement that
will rock evil at its core. An ancient order has overcome the power of
good and has set in motion a chain of events that will liberate many
and deceive others. In a world of lies, the truth is revealed and the
calming of the storm is ahead. But before the truth conquers the world
of lies, what is written in the Book of Light must first come to pass.
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QTM: Author Page Link
Dr. Anthony J. TOLEDO
Doctor of Divinity
Spiritual Alchemy Foundation of Enlightenment Inc.