This museum, located near central Tottori City, has a collection of almost 30,000 items that were amassed over a period of 60 years by local doctor Hajime Watanabe. One of the most impressive parts of the collection is the 250 sets of Japanese armor, with at least 100 sets on display at any time.
The sheer variety of armor in the collection gives visitors the opportunity to see how armor changed over time, adapting to each new style of battle. Many fans of Japanese history and samurai, both from within the country and from overseas, make the pilgrimage to visit this holy land of Japanese armor. However, that is not the only appeal of this museum. Many exhibits on display here have been put together following the museum’s philosophy that items strongly connected to the lives of everyday people are also works of art. So the museum gives visitors an opportunity to gain a new perspective on the lifestyles of Japanese people, and to find a greater appreciation for the art that exists around us in our everyday lives.


This museum had a lot of historical artifacts. Thank you Michiko Fukazawa, for taking the photos of me wearing an authentic samurai helmet, from the 1600s.

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