Words from the. KJV Holly Bible App:

“Jesus warned the people that false prophets would arise and now Paul is doing the same thing. It is important for us to heed this warning as well. The devil works in ways that always seem reasonable. Lies are made to look like truth, and division weakens the whole. Paul goes on to warn that some of those false prophets will come from within the group. One would think that it is easy to distinguish truth from fiction, but it’s more difficult than we think. Usually, these lies are hidden in some truth. We think that if part of what we are told is true, then the rest of it must be as well. Media is a perfect example of how this works whether the lie is hidden in a picture, music or written message. Sometimes the message is subliminal. In the old western movies, all the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black. The message? White is good, black is bad. Left-handedness was considered an evil sign at one time. Jesus was portrayed in art as blond and light-skinned even though as a Jewish man from the Middle East, he most likely would have had dark hair and dark skin. Hitler used false information, lies repeated over and over in the news media of the time to convince people that the Jews were the “murderers of Jesus and should be annihilated.” The Bible was misquoted to convince people that slavery was the will of God. Today, justice and morality are victims of the media. According to the media, there is no more sin, the commandments are old-fashioned and we are free to indulge every desire for pleasure whenever and wherever we find it. We spoke of freedom yesterday. Freedom is given so that we can love; it is not license to do whatever we please. Let us be careful to stay close to Jesus and not follow false prophets who want to tear Christianity apart.”

Words from the KJV Holy Bible app:


#quantumtrinityministry #QuantumMinister #iAmToledo #bookdetective #voyagertree #ServantsOfGod

May 27, 2023: Quantum Trinity Ministry

Quantum Trinity Ministry:

Words from the Quantum Minister:

..”Let us also not forget that we are called to hate evil and hate falsehoods and establish justice at the gates (Psalms 8:13, Psalms 119:104, Psalms 119:163,  Amos 5:15) and abhor evil and cling to what is good (Romans 12:19).  Let us love righteousness and hate evil (Psalms 45:7). Do not succumb to their wicked ways, hate their assembly and do not stand with the wicked (Psalms 26:5)”…

Yes, we are called to love our enemies (Matt 5:43-44), but that does not mean all enemies. This is more of a reference to those that have wronged you, deceived you, while possibly themselves as well; those who have done evil directly to you, or even indirectly. Carrying a grudge and personal hatred for your personal enemies is misdirected and self-destructive. However, we are not called to forgive ALL enemies! As in, you are not called to love the enemies of GOD. Do not mistaken the Law of Love to EVER be inclusive with the Love of Lawlessness! Do NOT love evil! Do NOT love the adversaries of that which is Truth, Justice and Holiness. Find the way and stay on the way, for He will always be with you (Psalms 16:8). To fulfill the Law we are called to hate evil.



The Law of the Lord will come upon ALL lands of the iniquitous. (-QM-):


“LIFE TRUTH, Death Lies” by Dr. Anthony J. Toledo (HawaiianAnt)
“The Bottomless Pit” by Dr. Anthony J. Toledo (Hawaiian ANT)

Dr. Anthony J. TOLEDO
Doctor of Divinity
Spiritual Alchemy Foundation of Enlightenment Inc.