
..Fraternal orders, initiated societies, Brotherhoods, luminaries, organizations of like-minded “enlightened” ones: all are different names for the same thing, cut from the same cloth, adversaries of the Most High righteous and Holy One. Contrary to common or pseudo-common belief, demons have more than one name. Just like companies who get into trouble, they change their name and stay in the same game, sometimes improved and others continuing the same activities that got them into trouble. Knowing a demon’s name might temporarily cast it out, but they always come back, and when they do, they bring seven more wicked spirits with them (Matt 12:45). A collective possession is a spell cast over the masses, and the more who contribute and believe the lie, the more effective the spell is. As an octopus’ tentacles extend, their reach grows exponentially. Cut one head off of the serpent, and another grows, and more often than not, it grows back much bigger and stronger than before.


Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosicrucians


“The letters OTO/O.T.O. were an abbreviation for “Ordo Templi Orientis”, which could be translated as the Order of the Temple of the East or the Order of Oriental Templars. Ordo Templi Orientis was founded at the start of the 20th century as a sort of secret society. It acquired the flavour of a quasi-religious cult under the leadership of a man named Aleister Crowley (1875–1947). Mr Crowley set up the United Kingdom “branch” of the OTO in about 1913 and thereafter travelled around the world, encouraging others to join the OTO.”

(Ref: Oxford Academic (Inetellectual Property Office)


Aleister Crowley needs no introduction in the world of the Occult, and even in pop culture. Crowley founded his own cult after leaving the OTO, his group thereafter being Thelema, and he spent the majority of his life expanding on his occult knowledge and practices. He is a pop culture icon and was highly revered by many artists and musicians, from the past and even until today. “Do as Thou Wilt” is a very popular phrase from his “Book of the Law,” which was held as sacred scripture from his followers. His popularity, past, present, and future is simply more evident of just how secular most people are and how fallen the ways of the world are as well. Deep analysis of Crowley’s life and literature paints a very clear picture of a narcissistic, power-hungry man full of envy and pretentious desires. We are called to judge a tree by its fruit, and Crowley’s fruits are clearly insidious at its core.



“The authentic TM technique can only be learned from a certified TM instructor in a course carefully personalized for each individual.

All certified TM instructors have successfully completed an intensive in-residence TM Teacher Training Course, and they maintain their certification through ongoing professional courses..”

“Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, whose life’s work was to revive and demystify the timeless knowledge of meditation, and verify its effectiveness through the lens of modern science, began teaching Transcendental Meditation in the 1950s.

After refining and systematizing the teaching of TM, Maharishi began a movement to make the technique available worldwide. He oversaw the training of thousands of instructors and established a non-profit foundation to preserve the authenticity of the TM technique for generations to come.”

(Ref: Transcendental Meditation (TM))

“All of our students and faculty learn the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique for personal growth.
TM is a simple, natural technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
Over six million people have learned it — people of all ages, cultures, religions, and walks of life.”

(Ref: Maharishi International University: MIU)


..So what exactly is Trancendental Meditation (TM)? Is it what the MIU claims it to be? Yes and no; because, as in most things in life, one or more things could be true all at once. I speak from experience with TM because I was initiated in October 2020, which I wrote about in my fourth book, Christian Alchemy The Reconstitution of Man. The reality that is not shared about this technique is that it is self-mesmerism. You brainwash yourself to be harmonized at a frequency that makes you more carefree and let things bother you less. The danger beneath the surface with this is that you might just let evil coexist in your environment and be ambivalent towards it. Likewise, you might actually let something foreign into your conscience that doesn’t belong there, as in inviting strange spirits into your temple. This might seem like a far reach to some, but the acknowledgment of a spiritual world is essential. It’s not so much a matter of natural or supernatural, rather a matter of that which is transcendent, which is in the very title of the technique.

How brilliant would it be to have people initiate themselves and continue to mesmerize themselves rather than do it yourself? TM and MIU have been very successful at not only introducing these esoteric practices to the Western world but also convincing people that it is purely innocent and effective. A simple rational and logical fact that disputes this is a huge lie they start off with. My TM Instructor told me he received a mantra for me and me alone. He told me that nobody else in the world has this mantra and that I should never speak it aloud, only repeat it in my mind during my meditation sessions (20 minutes every morning and evening), while sitting down comfortably with my hands on my thighs, kind of like many Egyptian statues found in Egypt.

Upon further research, as in a few minutes of open source intelligence gathering (i.e. “Googling it”), I found the truth about those lies. My mantra, “Hirim,” was given to ALL initiates in my certain age group. An article posted more details about this lie, a testimony from a previous TM Instructor (couldn’t find that link now, but many others are posted below). Maharishi was also known as the flying yogi, and several TM practitioners were reported dead trying to fly some years ago. Many suicides have also been linked to TM yet many celebrities still swear by it; Russel Brand, Oprah Winfrey, David Lynch, Jerry Seinfeld being some examples.

Anybody could spend several minutes or hours researching this topic and come to the same conclusion so many others have. This is a dangerous cult and a money laundering scam that has been far more successful than many of its predecessors.  On the spiritual side of things, I could personally testify that it is far more dangerous than most people might think and if anybody out there doesn’t believe in the spiritual world(s), I promise you that one day you will know.

*More Material About the Truth of TM:


I Survived the Cult of TM

Married to the Cult of TM

Women for Grace Article

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Exposed (Documentary)



..The globalist agenda being an illusion is a misinformation campaign. Proper discernment is necessary to determine which is a psychological operation (PSYOP) and that which is real, true, and a clear and present danger. Diligent efforts must be made to ascertain accurate intelligence in any matter. Logic and reason should be guiding principles in such information gathering conquests, but we cannot be oblivious or willfully ignorant of the spiritual aspects of reality. This would be anybody’s downfall and serve to their own self-destructive detriment. Many people will not care about this information or what I, or those like-minded, have to say about these matters. The more opposition received, the more we must push through. As the U.S. military trains ground forces to overcome an ambush, we must push through it (I would know, being a prior servicemember [USMCR, USCGR, USAFR] and veteran of foreign wars).

The truth cannot be suppressed in this day in age. The information and sources to gather and verify it are all out there. It is our job to gather, verify, and expose the lies that we are constantly surrounded by. This is the time for the truth to reign. This is the time for the enslaved to righteously rebel against our oppressors.  Awaken and rise, for you are the future and the future is upon us.



..A web of government and non government (NGO) organizations have built a wall around us over the ages. This wall could be seen as a metaphysical and metaphorical structure, a barrier of magikal veils upon veils, disguising their true malevolence with benevolence. This is the world of illusion they have shrouded reality with, gaslighting and gang-stalking those who try to oppose their ruling division. Truthers and decoders out there on social media have been using their pattern recognition abilities and open source research methods to expose these dark luminaries and magicians casting their spells over the masses. The trumpets of truth are sounding and alarming those who remain asleep. It’s time for the sleepwalkers to awaken to the truth of the world of lies they are living in. Once the demonic name is recognized, search further beneath the surface to find the name of its master(s). The many names of the fallen ones will have their darkness come to the surface and be exposed to the light.





..So is this “woo-woo,” make-believe, superstition? Who would benefit the most if it was true and you believed it was a lie? Ultimately, if you were a victim or mesmerism, you would likely not know it. After all, spells only work on those who do not realize they are under a spell. So, if secret societies study these concepts in depth, for it is embedded in their curriculum, then how far-fetched is it that they would become fluent practioners in such mythical applications? A spell does not gain its power from the victims’ belief in its power. Rather, the spell is strengthened by the victims ignorance. If the latter is true, then how easy is it to blind the masses with the version of the truth that benefits the most powerful and wealthy bloodlines, oligarchs, and ancient priesthoods? The answer should be fairly clear once you accept the possibility of mesmerism not only being true but likely .



Between government entities, nonprofits, foundations, and their collaborative efforts, it often seems like we have no hope of overcoming their subjugative ruling. One way to distinguish their intent is by looking at all of the mission statements, side by side, and see the patterns. Their works are often boasted on their news articles and websites, leading everyone to believe they are truly making a meaningful difference. Beneath the surface is where you will see they, or their collaborators, are the ones causing the problems that they are solving. Hegelian dialectic at its finest, on a global scale.



..Adolf Hitler was able to use propaganda and  spiritual nationalism more effectively than anybody else in contemporary history. The root races concept was a popular belief promoted by occultist Helena Blavatsky, and her new age and new thought concepts have bled deep into the new age Theosophical philosophy of today’s Western culture. The successful publishing of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion launched an antisemitic spirit that continues to thrive in today’s society, aided by wealthy collaborators like Henry Ford. The collaborative efforts of ideological government agendas and wealthy constituents prove to always be a deadly and dangerous combination, often resulting in the death of millions and the birth of ideologies that never die. The Nazi’s obsession with the Occult is not a secret, and the results of their empirical Reich are undisputed in its effectiveness. This is one of the greatest examples of the success of greater magik and the detriment to all of its victims. Never underestimate the power of Propaganda.

The Power of Nazi Propaganda

Withdraw Consent – The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion



..We live in a day in age where evil operates in plain sight and everybody accepts it. Depravity is celebrated and righteousness is persecuted. When religious institutions and followers point out the obvious faults of these fallen teachings, they are accused of being judgmental and following archaic views. While dogmatic interpretations are a downfall, a loyalty to one’s beliefs should not be ridiculed or looked down upon. We must find unity and respect amongst ourselves while not accepting evil as good and good as evil.



The secrets are not their existence, but the rituals they perform in the dark. A successful globalist agenda has been achieved before, and it only works one way; with the one world government being its subjects’ God. The capital “G” in masonic orders has a multitude of meanings (Great Architect, Gnosis, etc.), but at the end of our days here, it might be as simple as the  Government.



Indoctrination is not a new concept. This is an ancient practice that has been used on the masses for epochs, and its effectiveness continues to prove itself time and time  again.



..The use of lesser and greater magic, rather “magik,” is nothing new under the sun. The ridicule one endures when speaking such a thing aloud is proof of the power and effect their spells have over the masses, over the accusers, and the secular and worldly majority of the people of this world. Yet when one is well researched and read, they are often accused of being condescending or thinking they are better than everyone else. While humility is required when expressing one’s self, others often confuse our rebuke as over-judgemental; our expression as casting stones, and our choice of walking the way as pretentious or privileged. More often than not, those accusers are more guilty of their projected animosity than those they accuse.

Choosing to rebuke and expose evil will activate demons of those who are not walking in the way. They will not and refuse to be awakened.  Their paradigms cannot be broken and so those beliefs become their chains. These chains are the lesser magik manifesting itself into greater magik when it affects large groups, such as religious followers (fundamentalists), or cult-like ideology (i.e. political parties or causes, Democrat vs. Republican, climate change enthusiasts vs. conservative insurrectionists, etc.)

ANTIFA, QANNON, BLM, ISIS, and so many other countless groups are all different sides of the same coin. Extremism is their common ground, and the indoctrination methodology are all similar, if not identical. This is the manifestation of lesser magic into greater magik, and as in most truly indoctrinated victims, they are unaware of the spell they are under. While it is crucially important to stay true to one’s values and ideals, we cannot be extreme in our faith in a fallen and flawed system(s). The government, any government, cannot replace God and should never be anybody’s God.  In a Godless world, we will devour ourselves and collectively self-destruct. God forbid we ever return to worshipping the fallen leaders of this fallen world or worshiping ourselves for that matter. GOD help us all, God judge us all, God above us all.

Semper Supra, Numquam Infra


#QuantumMinister #DivinityDoctor #QM000

Quantum Trinity Ministry

Dr. Anthony J. TOLEDO
Doctor of Divinity
Spiritual Alchemy Foundation of Enlightenment Inc.


My Material: My Published Works


..A Testament of Faith…

Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy https://www.amazon.com/dp/1662923325/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_gl_i_QVPG5FT1YT5JT2VG8A06